Alumni Testimonials
"This organization has brought many, many, many happy memories and times that would fill a book... This group shaped and filled many years of my childhood."
Pamela Walters
"My favorite memory by far is touring with the group to Europe and Florida. The combination of top-notch music and passionate and fun individuals made for an outstanding experience."
Hal Melia
"I've learned a lot from the choir. It gives you an amazing experience, and it has created a lot of memories that I will have forever."
Caitlin Pearn
"KCC is so much more than a great choir. It's a wonderful way to build friendships as well as an excellent musical opportunity. More importantly, through our trips and workshops it opened my eyes to the world outside my own."
Lindsay Burke
"My favorite memory was performing in 'Brundibar' children's opera after the Victoria in 2008."
Micah Price
"I remember the trip to Washington, DC, and seeing the Holocaust Museum, Europe trip in 2006, China trip, Renaissance dancing, African tributes. Awesome!"
Kelli Hickey
"KCC has been a time to learn new music and meet new people from all over the area."
Melissa Martino
"Performing in the Schuster Center for the first time, my heart was beating so hard it felt like I was going to faint. I willed myself to calm down. Then the music began and my uncontrollable nervousness melted away, I focused on the lyrics. By the end of the concert I couldn't stop smiling!"
Ella Wylie
"Choir was great! We sang wonderful music and had a great time."
Marcel Ballester
"I remember the Chorus trip to Kings Island the second year I was in KCC and making new friends."
Courtney Hemmelgarn
"Some of the best things I've gained from KCC are the friendships I've made with some great people. Through KCC I've had the opportunity to interact with kids from other schools and other cities."
Ayesha Khan
"I loved singing in the group solo with my friends at the Christmas concert."
Bryna Schroeder
"Baltimore, Naval Academy Chapel, Chicago; all the amazing songs which were most of them; the good friends made."
Laura Benton
"Europe trip, 2006; singing Rutter's Mass of the Children; singing in St. Marks; Sounds of Africa; Holidays in the Heartland."
Chelsea Wentworth
"I love the KCC choirs and the people who I have met through this program. Thanks to all who have made it possible."
Katelyn Schrager
"I met a lot of new people and made some great friends. Trips always allow people to get closer and bond and it's a memory I'll remember forever."
Elizabeth Sparrow
"There are so many good memories, but what comes to mind first is the concert choir trip to Williamsburg, VA, and singing my first solo in George Washington's church."
Tara Thurman
"I recall fondly an overnight retreat, reviewing the year's music, games, and food which served to make our friendships stronger and our foundations with music more concrete."
Ryan Vallo
"KCC gave me a wonderful foundation in music and life. I was given a safe place to explore music, meet friends and travel. Because of KCC, I am pursuing a career in music."
Diane Walters
"KCC provides a stellar musical education and wonderful extra-curricular activity."
Jillian Schroeder
"I really enjoyed singing all the Christmas music we did every year and all the music we did with the Philharmonic. I also appreciated all the friendships I made with the singers and staff."
Carla Benton
"The focus of excellence makes KCC a unique choir."
Jared Schroeder
"My best memory from KCC would have to be my trip to Europe. I got to see the world and connect the music to the places we visited! I learned so much from the trip and made international friends I still talk to today. It enhanced my education in a way I didn't think was possible and it was so much fun! Moreover, KCC has left me with some of my best friends. Thank you KCC for enriching my life!"
Anna Burke